- Entering an incorrect EIN & access code combination during the initial user registration process; or
- Entering incorrect login credentials when trying to sign in to the portal.
This article provides instructions on what to do in each scenario.
During the initial registration process, you are asked to provide your company's valid EIN and access code combination in order to gain access to your company's portal. You are allowed three (3) attempts to enter a correct EIN/ access code combination before that access code is locked for security reasons. Since you only have 3 attempts before getting locked out, take your time when typing. If you did not receive an access Code in an email or you have been locked out and need assistance to gain access to your company's portal, please contact us at (855) 929-4387.
Please note that the original access code does not expire, however, it will be disabled when you become locked out. Any newly-generated access codes will expire after 3 weeks. Newly-generated access codes include those that you send to your teammates to help you administer your company's program.